6 Tips for Optimizing the Performance of Your AC System

AC systems are among the most expensive appliances around your house that give you maximum comfort during very hot days of summer. A well-maintained air conditioning system not only gives you better cooling efficiency but also reduces energy consumption to a great extent.


This is why you need to make sure your AC is always in its optimal working condition. In this article, we are going to give you some of the most effective tips that can help optimize the performance of your AC unit. With this information, you will be able to enjoy a superior performance of your AC and eliminate major system malfunction or failure risks.

Here is what you can do to optimize the performance of your AC System:

1. Use Programmable Thermostats


Programmable thermostats can help you cut back energy costs by up to 20%. With this technology, you can program your AC to turn ON automatically before you return home and turn OFF when you are away.


Thus, you will be able to enjoy the right temperature without having to keep your AC running at all times. Many modern thermostats are equipped with smart features like remote access, scheduling, geofencing, etc., which help you keep track of your AC system performance even when you are away on a business trip or family vacation.


Programmable thermostats can allow you to set the temperature to a certain high value when you are not at home and change the temperature according to heat level and number of people inside the room. By using this single device, you will be able to get maximum comfort while reducing energy costs at the same time.

2. Change Air Filters Every Six Months


No matter whether your Split AC has a built-in air filter or a separately installed one on your ductwork, you need to make sure it is regularly cleaned. If your AC has been in use for 6 consecutive months, then it is better to replace the filter instead of wasting time on the cleaning.


Air filters can trap up to 90% of the dust particles and that can lead to clogging. If you replace a clogged filter with a new one, it can reduce the energy consumption of your AC system by 5 to 15%. 

Change Split AC Air Filters

Oftentimes when your AC is not giving you the desired cooling temperature, it is because of a dirty air filter that needs cleaning or replacing. So, pay attention to the state of your air filter and clean it on a regular basis to get the best performance out of your AC unit.   


3. Regular Service is Important


Another important tip is to have your split air conditioner unit regularly serviced by a professional AC maintenance company. Regular maintenance can include things like air filter cleaning and replacement, cleaning debris from indoor and outdoor units, conducting inspections, and making small repairs.


This can help you keep your unit running smoothly and efficiently throughout the year. It can also help you identify small issues in your system that affect its cooling capacity and increase energy consumption.


Thus, regular maintenance can help you keep your AC system in the best shape and give it the necessary care so that it is able to deliver the best performance.

4. Set the Right Temperature


You can also get the maximum cooling efficiency by setting the temperature of your Multi-Split AC unit at 78 F. This is the temperature at which you can get maximum comfort while saving a considerable amount of energy. Setting the temperature of your AC at a very low level can lead to longer cooling cycles and consequently to much higher electricity costs. 

 Set the Right Multi Split AC  Temperature 

Many experts recommend transitioning to Energy-Star-certified AC units that consume up to 10% less energy. These units are designed to consume less energy while reaching the desired temperature in the least amount of time.      


5. Clean the Outdoor Condenser Unit


Most split AC systems have an outdoor condenser unit. This AC unit is exposed to external elements like air, sunlight, dust, and debris. You need to regularly examine and clean the outdoor condenser unit to make sure it keeps running smoothly.


Clear this unit of dust particles, twigs, leaves, and tiny rocks. If you are not sure how to open this unit, you can ask an AC repair professional to help you through this process. These professionals can help you learn the best AC cleaning practices that you can use to keep your outdoor unit clean and healthy.


A clean condenser unit reduces pressure on your AC system and that can boost its performance efficiency manifolds.  


6. Keep Indoor Vents Clean


Your indoor vents are responsible for the flow of air inside your property. If these vents are clogged, your AC will have to work a lot harder to deliver the desired temperature and that can lead to higher energy costs. Moreover, unclean vents and air ducts can also impact the quality of air inside which can lead to several health issues.


This is why you need to make it a habit to have your indoor vents examined and cleaned by professionals. You can have your vents vacuumed out to get rid of the dust and to make sure there are no disruptions to the airflow.  



If you focus on optimizing the performance of your AC system using the above tips, you will soon experience an increase in comfort and a significant reduction in energy consumption at the same time. This will help you get the most out of your AC system with very little effort on your part.


By using smart thermostats, choosing the right temperature, and keeping air filters, indoor units, and outdoor condenser units clean and maintained, you can easily increase the life of your AC system and maintain high efficiency for years to come.


Contact Us at YorkMEA to get the right residential as well as commercial cooling solutions to meet all your air conditioning needs.


by York
15 Sep 2024